The Glass Ceiling of the Rijksmuseum
Looking up in the Rijksmuseum (photo credit me!)

Remember September!

September in review. What's kept me busy at work and outside of work.

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Wow! What a month and it’s gone in a flash.

I love September, it feels fresh and new and it’s a good time to think about what I want to achieve before Christmas.

This September started with a trip to Amsterdam with my niece. It was nice to take some time off after what had been quite a busy period and great to explore a new city with someone young and funny and chatty and just great company.

Work wise three things kept me busy:

  1. Refining the final output of a project I worked on at the start of the summer (read about that here). The project was fun but the final part did stretch my excel skills and I had to turn to google. It’s at times like these I miss having skilled colleagues around me who would show me what to do. But then, I think the things I learn stick when I’ve had to try harder to actually solve the problem myself.
  2. I’ve just started working on a project which will keep me busy for most of October. More on that next month but it’s a new sector for me with a fairly complicated customer base that’s taken me a while to get my head around but I’m stuck in now and looking forward to making progress.
  3. A client (one of my favourites) asked me if I would present some findings with them at a conference next month – scary stuff. So I’ve spent a fair bit of time with them preparing and practicing. Let’s hope the preparation pays off.

Outside of work, it’s been fun. I spend 3 days in Amsterdam (see above) including an unforgettable, hair-raising, sweat inducing trip on a pedalo.

I took a trip to the theatre courtesy of my friend Panikos to see Who Killed my Father at the Young Vic. I actually don’t have words to describe the impact it had on me.

I’ve also caught up with friends and family I haven’t seen for a while and those times remind me that in this crazy world the people who matter most stay constant: Amsterdam with Flo, Oxford with Jock, Rosa’s with Susan and Pizza (as always) with Mel.

Generally, I feel so lucky to have a steady stream of work coming in after 6 years and particularly in these challenging economic times. I’m always so grateful to my clients who continue to trust me and work with me.

Let’s have a conversation.

I’d love to hear what’s going on for you. Why not give me a call, send me an e-mail or fill in the form to find out how we can work together.

Contact Susie Mullen
Contact Susie Mullen