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New notebook, new client, new way of working

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I love starting a new notebook and this time it’s a new notebook for a new client.

This is the second time in my seven years of freelancing that I’ve committed to a client for a set number of days a month. In the past I’ve refused this sort of work but this time it feels right and I’m excited to start.

I’ll be working with someone I’ve worked with before and that brings a level of trust and understanding I wouldn’t necessarily have with a new client. It’s an exciting sector and a fast growing organisation with an obvious need that I can help them address. So this time committing just felt right.

I’m still available for ad-hoc insight projects and working with agencies when they’re overstretched so don’t let this post stop you reaching out if you need me!

Let’s have a conversation.

I’d love to hear what’s going on for you. Why not give me a call, send me an e-mail or fill in the form to find out how we can work together.

Contact Susie Mullen
Contact Susie Mullen