Understanding levels of awareness of a new policy among staff

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18 months ago a client implemented a new and important policy. The policy was accompanied by a scheme for staff to participate in, as and when, they needed to.

6 months after the policy was implemented I worked with the client to evaluate the launch.  Now, 12months later, they need to know what has changed.

In particular they want to answer the following questions:

  • Are staff aware of the policy? Do they know how to use the scheme?
  • Are users of the scheme satisfied with the process and outcomes?
  • What are the barriers to staff participation?

The client and I worked together to develop and launch an all-staff survey. The results were analysed and we found:

  • Almost everyone was aware of the policy and they knew how they could participate in the scheme, a significant improvement in one year
  • While take up of the scheme remained low, satisfaction amongst those who had used it was improving
  • There were two clear barriers to staff participation – both linked to the culture and ethos of the organisation.

The results helped the client to:

  1. Find out if the scheme was meeting the requirements of the policy
  2. Report on user satisfaction to the suppliers managing the operations of the scheme

What the client said:

Thanks to Susie’s advice on improving our questionnaire and her in-depth analysis we were able to provide the review team with new insights as to the strengths and weaknesses of the scheme. We were also able to provide a breakdown of the types of people using, and not using, the new scheme influencing views on how implementation of the policy is working.    

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Contact Susie Mullen
Contact Susie Mullen