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Three reasons to get an expert in…

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One of the things I like most about my job is the variety of work I do and the range of organisations I work with. I spent the first week of this year working witha  new client for me in a new industry for me: the gaming industry.

The client is big player in the gaming world providing services to hundreds of companies. They had designed and distributed a customer satisfaction survey and needed someone to help them analyse the results. That’s where I came in.

It’s almost always easier to get a specialist in for survey analysis, for three reasons:  

  1. They have research and analysis skills
    • To interpret the results: I could tell my client their lapsed customers were significantly more likely to purhcase a particular service offering from other suppliers.
    • To handle the data: Very few ‘free to use’ or ‘inbuilt’ survey tools manage to provide easy to analyse data and even when they do the data can be hard to understand.  
  2. They have access to specialist tools:
    • In this case I used Q (a specialist research software) to categorise hundreds of text responses quickly. I could tell the client that communication is the most frequently mentioned issue respondents encounter when working with external agencies
    • Q also allows me to create and compare lots of different groups of respondents based on how they answered so I could report on satisfied customers vs dis-satisfied customers; most valuable customers; lapsed customers; respondents who make purchasing decisions etc. etc.
  3. They are able to do the analysis more quickly than someone who is new to it, or inexperienced, because they know what to look for (and what to ignore); know how to present the information to prevent misinterpretation and they’ve done it all many times before. 

In this case the survey was straightforward and later on this year I hope to work with the client again to design a survey that can be used to identify what drives customer satisfaction and to track satisfaction on a regular basis. 

It’s always nice to get feedback feedback from the client who said:

“Susie (as ever) delivered a great piece of work for us – in this case a validated shopper segmentation that has proven a great hit with our client. As well as coming up with the ‘goods’ for us (and on a personal note) – Susie is also a real pleasure to work with”

Liz, Studio Head

Let’s have a conversation.

I’d love to hear what’s going on for you. Why not give me a call, send me an e-mail or fill in the form to find out how we can work together.

Contact Susie Mullen
Contact Susie Mullen