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Making it to 100

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Today was a great day. I sent out my 100th invoice! I hadn’t been paying attention, or counting, but realising I was on invoice number 100 was very emotional and I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me on my freelance journey.

I should have been aware of the impending 100th invoice but I wasn’t. This got me thinking about goal setting. When I was employed by someone other than myself, I took care to set objectives for myself that were the perfect balance of achievable and stretching. Now I realise I liked the hour or two each quarter that was set aside to review my progress, work out where the gaps were and plan to achieve the goals I had set myself.

If I’m honest, since going freelance, I haven’t put enough time or effort into setting goals and reviewing my performance. So, over the course of this month, the first month in a new financial year, I am going to set myself some goals. I am going to write a plan and work out how to measure my progress.

I know I need someone to keep me accountable, give me the occasional push and a more frequent cheer. So, step one on the goal setting journey has been to find a coach who will help me in the same way a good manager helps. I start with them next week.

So here’s to the next 100 invoices. The goal is to do the next 100 in half the time.

Wish me luck!

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I’d love to hear what’s going on for you. Why not give me a call, send me an e-mail or fill in the form to find out how we can work together.

Contact Susie Mullen
Contact Susie Mullen