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Is it time to plan your office party?

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Those in the business of spotting trends are predicting a summer of fun in 2021. On the 21st of June, all legal limits on social contact are expected to be lifted. People will be free to do things they have not done since before the pandemic: dance with others in a nightclub, applaud with others in a theatre, cheer with others at a sporting event, sing with others in a choir and work with others in an office.

But, have people missed working with others in an office and do they really want to return to working with others in an office?

In the last 12 months I have analysed more than 6000 responses to surveys asking office-based desk workers in the public and charity sectors how they feel about returning to the office. What follows is a summary of the findings.

Most people miss some elements of office life. They miss face-to-face interactions with their colleagues and the social aspects of a workplace. People miss the things zoom does not do. Those quick in-passing conversations that break down barriers, the brief exchanges after meetings that ease worries and build bridges, and the lunchtime laughter. People also miss the comfort and facilities of the office: big desks, ergonomic chairs, dual screens, and printers. Particularly printers. However, for the majority, the benefits of working from home outweigh the benefits of working from the office.

In every piece of research I’ve done, and most of the research I’ve seen, the vast majority (around 85%) say they want to work from home more often than they did before lockdown. When results are analysed in detail, two groups consistently emerge:

  1. A majority (around 55%) who want to spend most of their week working at home.
  2. A significant minority (around 35%) who want to spend most of their week working in an office.

The two factors that have strongest influence on where someone wants to spend most of their working week are wellbeing and commute time. Those who say their wellbeing has worsened during the pandemic want to spend most of their working week in an office. This group tended to report higher levels of social isolation. Whereas those with long commutes want to work predominantly at home. Long commutes are no longer worth the time or the money when it has been shown that of much of the work can be done at home, away from the office.

Both groups are united in their desire to work more flexibly in the future. The definition of flexible working varies from person to person and employers will need to carefully manage flexible working expectations.

The summer period will be one of adjustment as organisations manage expectations of flexible working and respond to the needs of those who are keen to get back to a lively office environment and those who would rather be at home. The most successful organisations will be those who prioritise the experience of their people. Perhaps one way of doing that is to jump on the summer of fun bus and give people what they want: flexibility, as well as what they have missed: the social aspect of being in an office.

Could it be time to plan your office summer party?

Let’s have a conversation.

I’d love to hear what’s going on for you. Why not give me a call, send me an e-mail or fill in the form to find out how we can work together.

Contact Susie Mullen
Contact Susie Mullen