Freelancer at work!

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A very short blog post today. This week has been more hectic than usual. It’s felt a bit like working in an agency – in the first two days of the week I delivered three projects to three different clients. Definitely bad planning on my part!

So a nice short blog. I wanted to share this picture. It’s my desk when I’m in the middle of trying to distil the findings of a qualitative project.

Here’s a guide to what you’re seeing:

Two screens: One with my face on it – that’s the recording I’m listening back to; the other with a spreadsheet – that’s how I record what each group thought for each part of the discussion guide.

A diagram on the back of a big roll of wall paper: That’s how I record the findings and structure the report. 

It looks like chaos but it actually works! Would love to see how other people work on this kind of project.

Let’s have a conversation.

I’d love to hear what’s going on for you. Why not give me a call, send me an e-mail or fill in the form to find out how we can work together.

Contact Susie Mullen
Contact Susie Mullen